Mount Vernon Dental

Community Involvement

At Mount Vernon Dental, we believe in being active in the community that we serve.

Knox County Food for the Hungry

Every year, we have a food drive in the lobby of our office to raise money and collect non-perishable food items to benefit the Knox County Food for the Hungry organization. It is always amazing to witness the generosity of the people who come to our practice. We have partnered over the years with the local radio station, 93.7 – The SuperQ, to bring awareness to the organization with live radio broadcasts in the autumn.

You can learn more about Food for the Hungry at: FoodForTheHungryCares

Knox County Fair

In late July, we can be found at the Knox County Fair, supporting the youth at the junior fair livestock sale. We love to put our focus on the families that have made our practice their dental home.

You can learn more about the Knox County Fair at: KnoxCountyFair

Mount Vernon Music & Arts Festival

We are a sponsor of the Mount Vernon Music & Arts Festival, held every August in downtown Mount Vernon. Not only do we donate money to support the event, but Dr. Sprang has also participated in the woodworking challenge where projects were made from wood sourced from the city square. He and the many other woodworker’s projects were auctioned off at the festival

You can learn more about the Music and Arts Festival at: MVMAF

Other Areas of Involvement

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